Contact me on, or 01904 633829 for the price and availability of any painting.

250311 30x24''

250303 30x24''

251224 30x24''


250210 30x24''

250127 30x24''  SOLD


241217 30x24'' 

241210 30x24'' SOLD


241203 30x24'' SOLD

241125 27x20''

241115 27x20''

241007 30x24''

240930 30x24'' SOLD

240913 30x24'' SOLD

240823 20x16''

240606 16x12''

240430b 24x20''

240430a 24x20'' SOLD

240324  Surfers SOLD

240305 30x24'' SOLD


240116a SOLD 12x10''

240116b 12x10''

240213 30x24''

240209 24x16'' SOLD

230328 SOLD

231228 Scarborough Surfers  43x31''

231205a 20x16' '  Sold

231205b 20x16''


230328b 24x20'' SOLD

230922 30x24'' SOLD

230905a 12x10''

230905b 12x10'' SOLD

230905c 12x10'' SOLD

230901 30x24''  SOLD


230613  30x24'' SOLD

230606 30x24'' SOLD


230421 30x20''

230309 24x20'' SOLD

230221 30x24'' SOLD

230207 30x24'' SOLD


230110 30x24'' SOLD

221115 30x24'' SOLD

221108 30x24''SOLD



221104 24x20'' SOLD

221018 Scarborough  SOLD

160106a 24x18'' SOLD

221011 North Bay 30x24'' SOLD

170712a Scalby 20x18''

170712b Scalby 20x18''

220930 30x24'' SOLD

220930b 30x24'' SOLD


220808 30x24'' SOLD

220819 30x24'' SOLD

220722 30x24''

220617a  veiw of Cayton Bay.  30x24''

Way to Cayton Bay.  30x24'' SOLD

220611  30x24''  SOLD

220510 Scarborough SOLD

220426 30x24'' SOLD

220208  30x24'' SOLD

220125b 30x24''  SOLD

220125 30x24'' SOLD

220118 30x24'' SOLD

211201  30x24''  SOLD

211019 30x24'' SOLD

211126 30x24''

210928 30x24'' SOLD

210917 30x24'' SOLD

210906 30x24'' SOLD

210816 30x24'' SOLD

210804 24x18'' SOLD


210407 30x24''  SOLD

091029b 24x18'' SOLD

30x24'' oil on canvas SOLD

201115 40x30'' oil on canvas  SOLD

201002 40x30'' oil on canvas  SOLD


200818a Cayton Bay, 30x24'' oil on canvas SOLD

200818b Cayton Bay, 30x24'' oil on canvas

110724a 30x24'' oil on canvas SOLD

150104 30x24'' oil on canvas SOLD


200630 30x24'' SOLD

200630b 20x16''' oil on board SOLD


200624a 24x18'' SOLD

200624b  24x18'' SOLD

191211a 16x12'' SOLD

191211b 16x12'' SOLD

101025c 16x12''

101025b  24x18'' oil on canvas SOLD

191122 60x50cm SOLD


190906 24x20'' SOLD


180313 30x24'' SOLD

180109 30x24'' SOLD

161006.jpg 30x24'' SOLD

150910b.JPG 30x24'' SOLD